Robotic Toolbox Bundle

CV and audio utilities

Robotic Bean AB

  • • Unique audio & CV tools
  • • Great UX and gorgeous GUI
  • • Almost 50% discount

Robotic Toolbox contains 7 nifty tools to expand your Reason rack. From new metronome sounds, to bending time by playing audio ahead of the playhead. And devices for visualizing, combining, and sending CV signals to and from your hardware synths!

Included in this bundle

  • CV-I Audio to CV
    External CV Inputs
    CV-I features 8 channels of high quality audio to CV conversion. You can use CV-I to receive CV signals from a hardware modular system using a compatible audio interface, or from Reaktor VST via...

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  • CV-O CV to Audio
    External CV Outputs
    CV-O is an 8-channel CV to audio converter. Use it to send CV signals from Reason to CV-capable hardware synthesizers using a compatible audio interface, or to VSTs like Reaktor via its audio...

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  • Compare CV Scope
    Visual CV Processor
    Compare is a fully featured 4 channel CV Oscilloscope, but it’s also much more: It can reshape your signals and combine them in many different ways, all with real time visual feedback. Try...

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  • MT-1 MetroTone Metronome
    Creative Timekeeping
    Metrotone allows you to personalize the metronome click sound in Reason. Expand your creativity with 14 fresh click sounds, meticulously re-synthesized from some of the most popular DAWs and...

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  • Select CV Switch
    Pattern Switch
    Select is the most straight-forward CV switch you could possibly imagine. Connect up to 8 CV sources to its inputs, and use the buttons on the front panel to choose which one goes to the output....

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  • TM-1 Trigger Multiplexer
    Triggers to Gate/Note
    TM-1 Trigger Multiplexer allows you to connect multi-gate rack sequencers like Redrum, Propulsion, Euclid, Elementary and more, to instruments that only have the standard Gate and Note CV input...

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  • TS-1 Time Slider
    Audio Timing Tool
    TS-1 Time Slider is an audio delay built especially for tweaking the timing of the tracks in your song. Much like Slide in the ReGroove Mixer works for MIDI, you can now slide your audio backwards...

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