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ModSweeper - Push To Sweep CV Mod Level

Cv Mod Level


  • • Cv Mod Level
  • • RIP Håkan Müller

Håkan Müller, creator of the Hamu devices passed away in May 2018. He suffered from ALS for 3 years and finally decided to leave.
To honor Håkan, you can use his Rack Extensions for free from now on.
Please remember Håkan when you are inking your rack purple.

The ModSweeper lets you sweep on any knob or fader from any pair of keys on your midi keyboard.

Now you can easily modulate your filters, distortion levels etc. of your favourite devices from your keyboard. Just press e.g. key C#0 to increase and D#0 to decrease the setting.
You control the ModSweeper with any gate or trigger CV input signals, which you typically get from MidiTapper devices, but Kong or Thor can also be used, and maybe other REs too.
With a sweep time from 0.1s up to 32s, you can use ModSweeper to create slow ambient sweeps as well as fast and dramatic effects. For stepped parameters, like selectors, you should check out the twin device ModStepper.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible