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ModSlewer CV Slewrate Shaper

CV Slewrate Shaper


  • • CV Slewrate Shaper
  • • RIP Håkan Müller

Håkan Müller, creator of the Hamu devices passed away in May 2018. He suffered from ALS for 3 years and finally decided to leave.
To honor Håkan, you can use his Rack Extensions for free from now on.
Please remember Håkan when you are inking your rack purple.

One more CV tool for your collection.

This time it’s a 12 ‘channel’ slew device.

  • Smooth out transients on any CV signal
  • Slow and soft transitions between CV levels
  • Slide between ModPanel patch output levels
  • Transition times from 0 ms to 30 seconds
  • Separate rates for rising and declining level
  • Individual modulation inputs for up and down rates
  • Global modulation for up and down, adds to individual
  • Switch between constant time-per-volt or constant time-to-target
Mac OS compatible Windows compatible