Equation Junior is more than CMD:Equation’s little brother. Designed for maximum efficiency, he’s for those synth designers who will be needing to instantiate dozens of these powerful math units!
Combine two audio and/or CV inputs (plus some important constants) into an equation. Binary operations include both arithmetical and comparative functions. Perform a wide variety of unary operations on individual terms or at output. Mutiple CV and audio outputs. Choice of CV interpolation when combined with audio signals.
Binary operators:
-Modulus, Minimum, Maximum, Difference, Average, Power, /, *, +, -
Unary functions:
-absolute value, round, truncate
-square, square root
-natural log, log base 2, log base 10
-sine, cosine, tangent: regular, inverse and hyperbolic
What can you do with Equation Junior?
-audio/CV conversion
-DC offset
-ring modulation
-synth building: combine envelope and modulation signals with audio signals
-much more!
Equation Junior is part of the Equation Bundle.