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Decimort 2

HiFi Bit Crusher

D16 Group Audio Software

  • • Vintage DA Sound
  • • Far more than just a bit-crusher
  • • Multimode filter

Audio examples

Electronic music (especially Hip-Hop) producers have long been aware that classic samplers (such as early Akai and E-MU units) had a character and sound all their own: they added a “grit” and “color” to the samples and loops they played back which made them sound “fat” and sit well in a mix. This sound coloration was due to the encoding techniques, lower sample rate and bit depth, and conversion circuits used by these early samplers. Decimort recreates this coloration and adds that vintage sampler magic back to any loop, any bassline, or any sound played through it for that matter! Beyond vintage sampler emulation, it’s also the perfect bit-crusher with filter, capable of extreme settings for dramatic results.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible