Welcome the CV Suite Signal Repeater from Quadelectra! The fourth member of our CV Suite line of products.
With the Signal Repeater you can insert up to four adjustable delays to an input CV signal, and output them separately using the four independent delay units. You can use time or step measurement as delay units, and also modulate the delay using the input from another CV source.
Delay time transitions run smoothly, like in audio delays, increasing and decreasing the distance between the read and the write ‘heads’.
NOTE: CV Suite Signal Repeater does NOT insert feedback to each delay, due to the nature of the CV signals. That’s because mixing two or more CV feedback loops does not produce an audible “mix” result as it happens with audio.
- Four independent delay units to process a CV Input.
- Time or Song Units to control delay
- Smooth delay transitions from setting to setting
- Additional delay time CV Input Modifier.
Update 1.0.2
- Fixed an issue that caused a time inconsistency to the buffer when delay was set to 0ms.