The Reason Livestream is a fun hang out where everyone – viewers, guests, and even hosts are inspired all the time to go right from the end of the stream to making new music based on things we’ve seen happen live on air.

One of those inspiring moments happened on our latest Reason 12 Combinator Livestream when Mattias was demonstrating a multi-instrument, multi-velocity Combinator being hooked up to a Pattern Mutator player. In just a few simple steps Mattias’ simple bass line was bouncing in a super-cool twisted and warped way with some solid drums underneath! Many of us listening could immediately hear places we would want to take a song idea like that when it happens. So let’s do exactly that!

During the stream Ryan said:
“Maybe we’ll even throw this Reason file out there. Let’s have a little spontaneous remix fun.”
Well Mattias has shared his Reason file with us so we can do exactly that! The download materials contain a Reason file that includes the parts in two sections, whether you have Pattern Mutator and Reason Drum Kits or if you don’t the MIDI and audio is printed to tracks. Then there’s also audio stems so that people working anywhere could join in on the fun with us. If you make some music with this song-starter, we want to hear it! Let us know on Twitter or Instagram by hashtagging #ReasonLivestream. Ryan said it himself:
If even one person remixes this idea and shares it with us, I’ll do one too and we can compare notes.”
So let’s make Ryan keep his promise!!   

Download the song