In addition to using ReMark as a blank rack panel, there are three text boxes for quick notes or extended comments. Double-click in the dark area in the center area of ReMark to modify any of the three text blocks. The tape label combined with the text boxes allows for various descriptive possibilities like simple outlining or grouping related ideas.
ReMark 2.0 now supports all of the 32 new Reason 8.2 colors (plus white) to help identify areas of the rack at a glance or to coordinate with other devices. To add a color to ReMark, simply click and drag upwards in the areas to the left and right of the text boxes in the center. On the back of ReMark, there’s also a pop-up color selector that allows you to choose the colors by name, which makes matching another device’s color by name a breeze.
Both the text and the colors are visible and editable from the open and folded views, with the exception that the two new text fields are only visible in “open” mode (not folded). The folded view allows stacking many ReMarks in a small space for multiple lines of easily readable text.
Finally, for those who want to have a little fun, the color selector can be automated from the sequencer or controlled from a Combinator button or knob. When inside a Combinator, you can even use a CV signal to control the panel color for a psychedelic effect to impress your friends and confound your enemies!
Tip: when dragging ReMark to a new location, be sure not to click on the color areas, which will change the color instead of dragging the device. Drag using the extreme left and right areas or drag via the tape strip for consistent results.
Brought to you for free from Selig Audio and Pitchblende, with special thanks to all those on the Propellerhead User Forum who contributed ideas and suggestions throughout the creation of ReMark.
Specifically, thanks to: themensch for the original idea for a community RE; NoelGMusic for this specific idea; julibee for the name; LC123 for some key graphic suggestions and help with the store page, and gwynebiau for v2.0 suggestions.
Version 1.0.0 released July 2013
Version 2.0.0 release April 2015 - adds the new Reason 8.2 colors and two additional text fields. REQUIRES REASON 7.1 OR HIGHER!