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Note Humanizer

Note Humanizer

Enlightenspeed Ltd

  • • Realtime time humanizing
  • • Probability or parameter controlled
  • • Make drum machine patterns sound real

For the best deals, check out our bundle options - Loopcracker, Loopcracker Max and Megapower!

The Loopcracker Suite - Part 4

Note Humanizer is a very simple yet very powerful line processor for incoming MIDI notes. This time around, the focus of the device is on the timings of the events.

If the probability says “yes”, then tiny delay amounts are added to the MIDI signal path. This really helps to loosen things up and get a realistic sound. Chords from Chordbank for example, sound less robotic, but the biggest benefit is when passing drum patterns to drum kits etc, making them sound far more realistic.

Particular notes or velocities timing can be randomized all as one or separately as required.

This player is a perfect addition to any big name Player devices such as Propellerhead’s Drum Sequencer; but CV inputs allow this powerful process to be added to the Matrix, the RPG-8 and of course, the main sequencer.

Used in conjunction with Note Filter and Note Alter, creating patterns which flow like real musicians and sound professional is now child’s play.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible