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ModPanel16 CV Control Board

CV Control Board


  • • CV Control Board
  • • RIP Håkan Müller

Håkan Müller, creator of the Hamu devices passed away in May 2018. He suffered from ALS for 3 years and finally decided to leave.
To honor Håkan, you can use his Rack Extensions for free from now on.
Please remember Håkan when you are inking your rack purple.

The ModPanel16 has what you need to run your live performance from a single control panel:

  • 96 control outputs, to control all your devices
  • Save and restore control settings in patches
  • Midi note events outputs
  • PolyCV outputs
  • Midi key control for 0, 16 or 32 button outputs

Perfect for remote control surfaces!

  • Control several combinators from the same ModPanel
  • Let your MIDI keyboard and your controller follow selected track
  • Use several ModPanel tracks to get immediate and easy access to control everything in your rack

Remote maps are available for Behringer BCF2000, Novation Automap and Korg NanoKontrol.

Also available in black/gray/white, as Newtrol 16, in case all this purple makes you sick.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible