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MatchMaker CV In/Out Interface

CV Interface/Labeler


  • • CV Interface
  • • Labeler
  • • RIP Håkan Müller

Håkan Müller, creator of the Hamu devices passed away in May 2018. He suffered from ALS for 3 years and finally decided to leave.
To honor Håkan, you can use his Rack Extensions for free from now on.
Please remember Håkan when you are inking your rack purple.

MatchMaker is a CV interface, where you organize and label your CV connections.

Do you ever reuse any block of CV devices working together? Instead of having to remember - or investigating - where the ins and outs are of such blocks, you should use MatchMaker. Connect all important signals to MatchMaker and make useful notes there. To frame your block of devices nicely, put an MxSpliger at the bottom too, and fold for ever all devices in between.

Rejoice! You’ve made your first very own CV module!

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible