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KRON CV Toolbox

Alien Seed Tech

  • • LFOs, Grid Combiner, Custom Waves, User Controls
  • • Custom Color, Quantizers/Gate Gens, Envelope
  • • Mods, Dynamic Displays, Lots of I/O and Options

Audio examples

The KRON CV Toolbox is built around a set of powerful LFOs and Grid combiner. It has custom waveforms, smooth quantizers / gate generators, serious and powerful modding, user controls, an envelope, tons of I/O and options (including custom color and random seeds), lots of lamps and displays, note quantizing / pattern sequencing, and more (like special algorithms under-the-hood to do things no other CV devices in the marketplace can!).

It can generate seriously complex and dynamic CV signals to mod the other devices in your rack, unleashing their potential!

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible