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MIDI filter & modifier


  • • Filter and adjust MIDI by note ranges and scales
  • • Filter and modify by another device
  • • Creative adjustments

Augment notes passing through your player stack to adhere to a range, scale or notes that are playing from another device. Choose an operation mode to define how the device reacts to incoming MIDI that isn’t in range. You can change the note higher or lower, or keep the note but redirect the octave, trigger a random in range note or block it from playing like the TonicMint NoteLimiter. Modify any filter via automation, use CV to directly effect the range, or activate the full CV mode and use any of the 16 gate and note inputs to define in real time which notes are InRange.

InRange gives you access to the TonicMint scale library, hundreds of common and uncommon scales saved as patches, individually for each key.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible