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HazeMate Noise Generator


17 Frames Media

  • • Hazardous sounds with texture controls.
  • • Flexible LFO control
  • • Pops, clicks and morse with the sputter controls

Audio examples

Tone without form…

This is a nasty bit of equipment that offers a deeper, more hands on approach to noise generating. We have taken the, oft neglected, tiny corner of the oscillator section and expanded it out. Giving you the ability to morph between levels of randomness in frequency and amplitude, as well the shape of the waves themselves. The result is a tone that begins ‘white’, but soon descends into some strange and wonderfull landscapes. It wont be long before you will be creating your own sounds with the HazeMate, but just to get you started we have also included a set of combinators that utilise the different paths this HazeMate can be used. From evolving textures, to full glitch drum sets. From modular synth setups to atmospheric sound effects setups.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible