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Charlotte Envelope Generator

Envelope/Chord Split

Jiggery-Pokery Sound

  • • Multi-Stage Envelope Generator
  • • Note Release Triggering
  • • 7-Mode Chord Split and Distribution

Inspired by the multi-stage envelopes found on such 80s luminaries such as the Kawai K5/K5m and Casio CZ range, Charlotte is the most advanced Envelope Generator (EG) module for Reason, offering a versatile 9-stage envelope with independent time, level and curve control for each stage.

And that’s not all!

In addition, Charlotte also has a seven-mode, priority-determining chord splitter, supporting up to eight notes to eight independent sets of EG, CV (note) and Gate outputs, for distributing complete chords to multiple monophonic instruments such as Ammo, Tres, and A-Series 1.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible