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barCHIMES Concert Mark Tree

Triple Miked Chimes

Jiggery-Pokery Sound

  • • Sweeps, Randoms, and Single Hits
  • • 10 Round-Robins
  • • Adjust Speed, Pitch, and Damping

At last, a new percussion instrument for Reason! And it’s not another set of 808 samples!

Here we present a lovely Mark tree, an instrument created in the late 1960s expressly with modern music in mind. Also known as bar chimes (but definitely not windchimes!), the Mark tree is a series of small metal tubes hung linearly in decreasing tube length in order to produce rising or falling inharmonic glissandi simply by running a finger across them.

Whether it’s to add a tingling texture to tumultuous turnarounds, or constructing splendiferously sparkling stops and stalls, barCHIMES Concert Mark Tree gives you an extra professional sheen, one that isn’t merely another blast of filtered white noise, or random S&H sines.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible