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Ammo 400R Modulation Oscillators

Audio/CV Modulation

Jiggery-Pokery Sound

  • • Four Oscillator LFO Generator and Monosynth
  • • Over 100 Waveform Shapes
  • • Programmable Routing

Audio examples

Arm your rack and take Reason modulation to the next level with Ammo’s 136 basic and complex waveforms.

With four audio oscillators that can be freely mixed and routed, and a massive frequency range, Ammo features an all-audio rate internal oscillator path suitable for both audio and CV output.

Available in three variants, the single oscillator 100LA, 12 oscillator 1200BR, and the the 400R available here, which includes the full four oscillator Ammo section, a six-stage envelope and a Re-ARM internal routing device.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible