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Oldschool 808 Patterns

Oldschool 808 Patterns

Loop Depot

  • • 150 iconic drum patterns for Reason
  • • no samples! - drum notes for your track
  • • 10 Reason song files

Audio examples

Start the oldschool jam now!

We all know and love the sound of the legendary 808 drum computer. In the 1980s, its massive bass and snappy snare laid the foundation for the era of electro funk & freestyle music.

The oldschool lovers of Loop Depot recreated 110 of the most iconic drum patterns of all times. We tried to keep it as true as possible to the originals. As a bonus, we included 40 additional drum sequences which rock as hard as the classics.

Simply open the Reason song files and copy your favorite note lanes into your track. To match note mappings of different plugins and Kong pad layouts we included 5 versions of all of the patterns. Each version is available in a short and long variant.

Thanks to these note mappings you can switch the Kong patch and use the oldschool sequences with the drum sets of today. Highly recommended is the combination with our successful Kong King patch pack.

see Product description for details