Neptune Electric Guitar
Sampled Guitars
- • Electric Guitar Emulation Tool
- • Guitar Processing Effects
- • Reason 10 Template Songs
Audio examples
Navi Retlav Studio and Odarmonix (AKA ODNX Sound) have teamed up once again to bring you another meticulously-crafted product. For the first time, we’re stepping into the electric guitar sampling territory, although with a twist that makes the Neptune Electric Guitar ReFill a one-of-a-kind library. Instead of using the classic multisampling method which consists of recording every single note from each string on a guitar; we took a different approach by sampling one note from each string and letting the Neptune device do its magic for pitch changes. As unconventional as this method may sound, the Combinator instrument patches we built around it are capable of surprisingly realistic riffs! Other benefits include a greatly reduced file size, as well as more sound-shaping options and flexibility than a traditional guitar sample library could offer.
To those of you who might be (rightfully) concerned about the latency added by the Neptune device, fear not! The User Guide provides detailed explanations on how to take advantage of Reason’s built-in Phase-Delay Compensation and make the Combinator instrument patches easier to use in a song. Additionally we added the Neptune-less, zero-latency versions of the Combinator instrument patches for improved playability.
If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to check out the Neptune Electric Bass ReFill as well.