Growing up in the early 2000s, my first experience with Reason came through a pirated copy my dad had obtained from a friend. A few years later, as I began writing my own songs and needed a way to record them, I found myself using another cracked version of Reason. Despite experimenting with other DAWs like Cubase, Logic, and Ableton over the years, I always felt my creative flow was best channeled through Reason.

Four years ago, I decided to transition from my freelance sound engineering career and return to school to study agile project management. When asked about my dream internship, I immediately thought of Reason Studios. While browsing LinkedIn, I saw a familiar name – Maja, now the Creative Lead at Reason Studios. I didn’t really know her, only as a fan asking for stems to remix one of her songs a few years back. I wasn’t sure she even remembered me, but she was kind and forwarded my message asking for an internship.

I was given the opportunity, and I’m still here. I am incredibly proud to be part of this company, surrounded by the best colleagues you could wish for and able to help music makers worldwide do what they love.

A heartfelt thank you to all my colleagues at Reason Studios, who have worked tirelessly, day and night, to launch Reason 13 today.

Enough writing from me and reading from you – let’s do what we love: make music!

Christopher Lindholm
Marketing Project Lead