• Hello, can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! We are Lagun, a duo which consists of Laura Lyth and Fredrik Sjöström. We are working independently with our music and have just released our single ‘Driving to Berlin’. We’re from Stockholm and have been active since 2020 when we released our first single. Since then we’ve released our debut EP “Beach Days”. We’ve done almost everything on our own within the making of our music, from writing, recording and producing to mixing and marketing it.

  • How would you describe the band and its sound?

We would describe our sound as a mix of sunny indiepop and sooty lofi-rock. We tend to get drawn to delicate and smooth sounds but also feel the need to compensate with something a little more raw or chafing to keep it interesting. We also engage this mindset a lot when we play live shows.

  • Can you tell us about your new single, what is it about and what inspired it?

‘Driving to Berlin’ is the first release from our upcoming debut album. The production and sound shaping of the guitars are inspired from spaghetti western movie’s soundtrack. We wanted to capture that mysterious feeling and combine it with our sound. We are always curious when it comes to exploring new soundscapes, so this was a very fun song to work with!

  • What are your influences?

We often get very inspired by going to concerts, seeing people do what they really desire. We try to keep that feeling when we start working and try not to overpolish every detail to keep some rawness to it. So one can say that our influences consist of artists who we feel dare to express themselves without too much of a filter.

  • What is your process when writing a song, how do you start?

The process can look a bit different but usually, it starts with some kind of acoustic improvisation where we just sit and jam together. We are never aiming to write “the perfect song”, it’s more like an exploration that begins with inspiration from something like a genre, a mood, an instrument etc. It can be a certain element that we want the song to contain, like a challenge almost haha! In this case, we were heading on tour and realized that all our songs had pretty much the same tempo, so we programmed our drummachine to 140bpm and took it from there.

  • What’s next for Lagun?

Other than working on our debut album we are soon gonna start planning gigs for 2023, which we are very excited for! This summer we toured southern Sweden and would love to do that again. We are also planning further single releases before the whole album drops. So a lot of fun stuff lies ahead!

Follow Lagun’s adventures on their Instagram page.

‘Driving to Berlin’ is out now everywhere!