Advanced Sampler

Devices/Instruments/NN-XT Advanced Sampler
Play gigabytes of rich and complex, multi-layered instruments from the Reason sound bank. Or sample and build your own!
The NN-XT is a highly advanced sampler with an impressive list useful features to help you build your own stunningly realistic instrument patches: alternate sample playback, auto-pitch detection, zones with individual parameters and much more. But don’t think for a minute that instrument emulation is all this thing is good for - the filters, the envelopes and the tempo syncable LFOs let you perform some crazy tricks on whatever material you put in there.

INCLUDEDREASON+A Reason+ subscription always includes the complete Rack and all our devices, including this one. With Reason+ you also get exclusive sounds and patches and, of course, the latest Reason version.
INCLUDEDREASON 13This and 60+ other devices are included in Reason 13—everything you need to Sound like you.