The Quadelectra CV Suite Line Mixer is a new innovative Rack Extension device that allows you to mix and manipulate CV Signals.
The device offers four groups, each capable of mixing 4 CV input signals. The four groups can be used in parallel, providing 4 separate mix outputs, or you can use them all together utilizing the mixer section and finally mix their 4 outputs using the “Post Function” Group. You can of course change the polarity of any of the input signals, from the front panel.
In contrast to audio mixing and because of their nature, CV signals can be joined together in a number of different ways. The CV Line Mixer provides a total of nine algorithms for mixing, each producing a different result.
Sum: Add or subtract (using polarity inversion) all four signals.
Multiply: Multiplication result of all signals.
Average: Get the signals’ average value.
Maximum: Get the signals’ maximum value
Minimum: Get the signals’ minimum value
Wide Selection: Get the negative or positive signal that’s most far from zero crossing.
Narrow Selection: Get the negative or positive signal that’s closest to the zero-crossing.
Balance 2:2 : Get a value between signals from input 1 and 2 of a group by using the sum from the signals 3 and 4 (like 2 point cross-fader).
Balance 3:1 : Get a value between signals from inputs 1, 2 and 3 by using the value of input 4 (like a 3 point cross-fader).
The last two algorithms are a dream-come-true for all of you dub step producers out there, since you can control 2 or 3 different synced LFOs to modulate that nasty bass line cut off frequency !!!
Quadelectra CV Suite Line Mixer can be a powerful tool in your rack, enabling you to work with CV signals in ways never possible before. Its the ultimate tool for sound engineers, sound designers, producers and generally everyone who wants to take their sound a step further.
NOTE: Line Mixer’s little brother, yet powerful companion, is the Quadelectra CV Line Processor Rack Extension device, which performs a set of modulations to a single CV signal. We advise you to check that out too…